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WE GET IT. Making the decision to trust someone with your food is a hard one and costs real money. We don't take that lightly and hope you don't either. So, why TGK? Well, we outlined what it takes to make our food so good, so convenient and, our service, so spectacular. Take a moment to read more about our process and what we provide - we think it will convince you that our meals are worth every penny.
Sustainable Sourcing
At The Good Kitchen, we believe that you are not only what you eat - you are what you eat, eats. That is, your fuel sources need to be bulletproof right down to the soil. We have cultivated relationships with farmers and purveyors to bring you real food.
Our meals include grass-fed and grass-finished beef, pastured pork, lamb and turkey and antibiotic- and hormone-free poultry and eggs from farms that we know and trust. The produce is organic (when it matters - see the Dirty Dozen list), GMO-free and raised as close to our kitchen as possible. All of our seafood items are SeaFood Watch compliant.